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Best in Miniature Contestants Appear on Meet the Miniaturist!

I was thrilled host a special Meet the Miniaturist featuring contestants from the new reality series BEST IN MINIATURE on CBC (Canada) and Discovery+ (UK). Photos: David Leyes)

Best in Miniature presents 11 talented miniatures in a race to build their ideal mini home in miniature!

We had a chat with a few of these talented mini reality tv stars about their miniatures, their experience on the show and heard about some of the challenges they faced when working against the clock in an effort to win the grand prize!

We also heard some of the inside drama of being on a reality show while making miniatures!

At this time the series is not available to view in the U.S. (and we really don't know if it will)...we tried to keep any spoilers to a minimum!

This was super fun!


Until Next Time Thank you for being a part of the

D. Thomas Miniatures Community!

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